Now now, don’t go freaking out, I am not turning into a fashion mom blogger, but yes I have decided to share what my life as a mompreneur of 3 kids entails. The ups, the downs, the wins, the hardships. If you follow me on instagram I share it all and decided to bring it to blog. Getting married at 23, having kids before 30, and realizing by 31 I didn’t want to lose myself was a true awakening and a journey. So, what do comfortable sneakers have to do with all of this, go ahead, read on.

SHOP THE LOOK: TAOS Star Sneakers in Grey Wash
Mom Fashion Style – Comfortable Sneakers
I was listening to a podcast recently where they said many Millenials spend their 20’s, a full decade, discovering themselves. Their style, their wants, their dreams, and desires. I spent my 20’s wanting to connect and grow with my amazingly supportive husband and have kids, being none the wiser. I was married young, right out of college. He was a little older but not much. But we both knew we wanted to be young parents so we went for it.
It wasn’t easy, imagine having no savings, one income, and no full-time free nanny/grandparents to help. But, we had each other. I believed in him and he believed in me. I devoured my 20’s as a young mom. I truly did. It is the best gift my husband has ever given me. Though I know he won’t tell me, I know it was a struggle, but he gave it to me, he gave me the opportunity to be a young mom in the city raising her kids. Stroller walks and all. Since we had ZERO babysittings for years, our nights included homemade Tuna salad / a good Blockbuster rented DVD / us walking to blockbuster with the stroller was date night / And the baby wanting to feed in between the movie… PERFECTION
Well, guess what happens? Those kids grow up and find their own friends, playdates, go to preschool/kindergarten and you have FREE TIME. Something I was deeply craving BUT didn’t want to say OUT LOUD. RIGHT?
I just always knew I wanted to work. But again, did NOT voice it. Make a living for myself and kids. I come from a family of entrepreneurs and work is a hobby, not a way of life. So, yeah, I work cause I love what I do.
Once again, blessed with a husband who said, “You want to work, fine, but do what you love, do you, do what you want to truly do?’
I started one of the first Home Staging companies in Chicago back in 2008. Long story short, as the years went on I was lost in the chaos of getting up / making breakfast / making school lunches / getting them to school / maybe taking a shower / getting dressed / throwing on dry shampoo / putting on a cute dress / meeting a client in the city / running back to be the first at carpool pickup / home / sweats / make dinner / off to kids sports stuff / bedtime / pass out.
Did I add that my husband travels A LOT!! Like A LOT, but it is our norm, so I learned how to be there and raise the kids M-Th alone and guess what, I did!
Okay, so my 30’s go by and all of a sudden I have these young teens (I ended up having a little girl in between cause why not try for the girl at 35) and before my 40th birthday I realized my life was theirs. Yes, I earned my own money, yes I worked but what was my style? Who was I? The last time I truly shopped for myself was for when “left the hospital outfit” with my firstborn in 2005. It was a velour green outfit. Legit! A velour full-on green outfit from The Gap.
All of sudden, two decades went by and I wore whatever fit. Cause yes, now I had the extra weight, the mom bod, and I lost myself. Somehow I was a successful mom feeling 100% lost.
Well, this past year was the year of finding my style, my mom fashion style and mySELF. AND YES if included comfortable sneakers for a cool mom. Cause, let’s be real. I want to be a cool mom. Who doesn’t??
I should add that since high school I was always into shoes and bags. I always struggled with weight, now, don’t get me wrong, from 18-25 I was rocking it! 125pounds at 5’7″ BAM! And BAM, I wish I would have loved my body then. I was so self-conscious back then I never wore a bikini. UHG!!! I was dumb if I knew then what I know now. Love thyself.
Young ladies out there, embrace yourselves. Embrace your bodies. Love your young bodies. You are BEAUTIFUL!!
I did not, looking back, damn. But, I realized recently, if I make it to 70, 80 years old, I might be telling my 40-year-old self,
“Damn Girl, Embrace your body, your mom curves.”
So, here I am today, learning my mom style, my cool mom style and that includes comfortable sneakers! And for months on Instagram stories you all know I have been complaining about the pain in my heels and feet. No joke, gosh darn it, I have to go from before school band drop off – to work – to clients – stagings – to school pick up – to hockey drop off – to soccer practice – to hockey and soccer pickup – all in one DAMN day. So I better be wearing comfy shoes. And I am grateful to Taos for providing me with these sneakers. I put on my Taos 4 days ago and they have not come off. You know if I Vouch for them, it’s legit.
Edi says
How about the quality of this bag? Is it OK?