This is the number one question I get asked. Almost daily I get a dm in instagram asking how much to charge for home staging. During my one-on-one coaching sessions, it is the first item everyone wants to start with. So, let’s get right down to it and remember, if you have any other questions always comment below, or view my other youtube videos, hopefully, I can get them answered.

How Much To Charge For Home Staging
First and foremost, let’s start with the TWO BIGGEST MYTHS about how much to charge for Home Staging
1 – The bigger the property the pricier it is in staging cost
2 – Staging costs is 1% of the sale price
Every time I hear this from new stagers I cringe. I have been successfully staging homes for ten years and you simply cannot guarantee this or expect these two myths to be accurate. I ALWAYS say, “It is not about the size of the property but the condition of the property.” You will hear me say this all the time.
I have staged $5million dollar homes, over 6,000 sq. ft, and it cost less to stage them than a one bedroom apartment listed at $250,000.
Why? It had everything to do with the condition of the property and what was truly needed for it to be a successful sale.
Now, you might be thinking; “Do those two “myths” work for Vacant stagings? It makes sense for occupied but what about vacant properties?”
For simplicity sake, the rest of this post will be about how to charge for home staging vacant properties. I will do a separate post about how to charge for home staging occupied homes.
Almost 50% of the time many of my occupied homes turn into some form of a vacant staging. In other words, clients decide to just move out or remove almost everything from the main rooms. With that said, please remember that these pricing tips can actually turn into vacant stagings.
Okay, so with the two biggest myths out of the way. We are back to the question: How Much To Charge For Home Staging?
Charging For Vacant Properties (aka Rentals)
The whole 1% of the list price for vacants, really? I once had the opportunity to stage a $9million property, TRUST ME, it did not cost $90,000 to stage. WHY? Because I wasn’t going to waste my time or their money in staging every single inch of the space. It is always about staging the main spaces. Don’t waste time and money on 3rd, 4th bedrooms. They do not sell homes.
The Estimate / Consult: $280 (1-1.5hours limit)
Yes, I charge to come out for a vacant estimate. If you want an accurate estimate, that means I come to the property. At the property, we will discuss what needs to be done. From paint to which spaces need to be staged and how. I take all my photos (large room photos and detail shots). PLUS, I take my measurements for the rooms that will be staged. Then, within 1-2 business days, you will receive a FREE proposal/estimate to stage the property (grab your free PDF example below).
Now, I have never been to a vacant consult and the clients didn’t ask specific questions; for example, what color would you suggest for this room? Should we remove the carpet? Should we paint the kitchen cabinets? Would you rent a buffet for the dining? etc. While I am on-site I will answer your questions, hence why I charge. I am giving my professional advice and I might not even get the “job.” They might end up going with a cheaper furniture rental company, which we are NOT.
WHAT I DO NOT GIVEAWAY AT THE CONSULT: The floor plan ideas. I have learned from experience that sometimes floor plans are awkward and they will ask me what I would do. Sofa or loveseat? Here or there? Round coffee table or square? etc. Then, guess what, you have told them exactly what they should do and they go ahead and call a cheap rental company and do it themselves (this is mostly with realtors 😉 and builders).
*If they do not want an onsite consult, just a rough email estimate, that is when I provide price range by room. i.e. “On Average, a living room can cost between $450-950 PER MONTH* Yes, it is a vague range because you cannot pigeon hole yourself into an estimate*
If they agree to have you out, remember, this is your sales pitch. Why they should use you? What you will provide for them, not just furniture, but you will take the headache away from getting this property ready for market. You will be their project manager. Let them know that you are NOT JUST a furniture rental company, but you provide a service, to serve them during this stressful time.
Remember, we are NOT in the furniture rental company business, we are in the service business of helping sell someone’s largest asset. Let them know that and get the job! 😉
Cost Per Room:
Once I decide what will go in the room I am able to provide a quote. With time, you will learn average price points for your inventory BUT to get you started, you charge 20% of the retail price per month.
For instance, you bought a sofa for $580. The rental is $116 per month for 2-month minimum.
The Pricing Breakdown Example:
- Living Room: Determine the cost at 20% it’s retail value for each item
- Sofa
- 2 Occasional Chairs
- Coffee Table
- Area Rug
- Console/Sofa Table
- 2 End Tables
- 2 Table Lamps
- Floor Lamp
- Living Room Accessory Package: Mor about this below
- THEN you add
- Delivery & Pick Up Fee: (ONE TIME FEE)
- Tax: This depends on your state/city
- Lastly, but most important, YOUR FEE for staging days (ONE TIME FEE)
- With time you will be able to predict if you can get the property staged in 1/2 day, Full day, over 2 Days. I have flat fees for that.
- 1/2 Day: $XXX
- Full Day: $XXXX
To See more specific detailed pricing, grab my free pricing quote PDF below. And as always, please do ask me question or leave your comments so I can continue to help. Happy Staging