On Friday, March 13 the world as I knew it changed. It was the last day of school for my kids and it was the last day I interacted closely with a home staging client in their own home. For the first few weeks, I think we were all trying to figure out how to adjust to the new normal. Then we adjusted and all learned how to conduct zoom E-Home Staging Consults. Thankfully a few months later local homeowners are thinking of getting their homes ready for the market and have begun calling to book my Home Staging Consult. But with everyone still a little nervous about COVID-19, me too, I have adjusted the way I conduct onsite home staging consults and wanted to share how to have a home staging consult while social distancing.

How To Have A Home Staging Consult While Social Distancing
When it comes to home staging consults I am almost always in the home for over 1.5-2 hours, but on average it can take up to 2.5-3 hours. It is normal to feel nervous to go into another home and spend that much time inside. Or maybe the homeowner is nervous to have someone come in for a longer period of time and talking in close proximity to each other. Either way, I have altered my onsite home staging consult while social distancing to minimize time together indoors.
Before COVID-19 I would arrive at a consult and spend some time with my client asking them a few questions. Once we discussed the answers to my Client Profile Questionnaire we would start the consult at the entryway and make our way through the property together. Room by room discussing what needs to be done. Then at the conclusion of the walkthrough, we would go over main points covered and any questions they might have.
NOW, I do the entire walk through alone.
- Upon arriving at the property we meet outside to go over my Client Questionnaire. This helps me get an idea of what the needs are, goal list date, occupants, and more.
- Then the clients are free to go. Whether it be to their place of work or run some errands or work in their home office space while I start the walkthrough alone and wearing a mask.
- I go through each room, each space, each closet, nook, and cranny as if we were doing the walkthrough together except this time I take A LOT of pictures and take voice notes on my phone.
- The walkthrough does not take me 1.5-2hours as it did before, but an average of 30 minutes.
- Once done I leave the property AND…
- Offsite, back at my desk, I create their very detailed Home Staging Report that is emailed to them within 2-3 business days.
This new way of conducting a home staging consult while social distancing works great. Everyone feels safe and the clients get everything they need to get their property ready for market. The report will include ideal floor plans where necessary, what furniture needs to move to another spot to paint color selections by name and brand. It also will have links to items I would suggest to purchase such as a new dining room light fixture or entryway rug.
Any and everything I would say in a walk N’ talk consult will be in this report including photos of the current space and what I want the space to look like based on recent or current comps that have been staged.
Naturally, this is a little more work offsite, but I am spending less time on-site and as a result, I consider it a win for all of us.
If you want an example home staging consult report you can grab one in my staging lab or a copy of my home staging client profile / questionnaire.