That time has come. I can’t believe it is here and I couldn’t be more excited, and nervous, and overwhelmed. Kitchen Renovation 2019 has begun! I plan on sharing updates A LOT on Instagram stories, per usual, but thought I do a weekly update on the blog. Maybe more so for me to remember this fun time of living with no kitchen, basically.

Kitchen Renovation 2019
Now, I don’t want to give too much away in the very first post for a specific reason, I still need to purchase a few major items and knowing me, I might change my mind at the last minute. In the mean time here is the current kitchen. I thought about cleaning it up, but NO, this is what it truly looks like almost all the time. Scroll down for the full kitchen renovation 2019 To-Do List

But, I do need to say, I have gone back and forth on so many items, basically second guessing my design ideas. Like there is a bad voice in my head saying, “yeah, but is that on trend? is that good re-sale? Will that really look okay together?”
And then finally, literally, like a day ago. I said to myself, “eff it! Who cares what the current trends are. I am not moving any time soon, I love my home and it is my home and I am going to make it my design.” 100%
Kitchen Renovation 2019 PLANS
- Demo and Replace Floor Tiles
- Demo and Replace Kitchen Countertops
- Demo and Replace Kitchen Backsplash
- Remove and Paint All Existing Cabinetry
- Update Some Electrical
- Replace Sink
- Replace Faucets
- Replace Appliances
- Paint Walls
- Re-upholstery Breakfast Nook
- Add Some Open Shelving
Phew, it is kind of nice to put that master list out into the universe. So, tune in over on Instagram stories for daily updates or come back here next week to see what is happening. If anything, lol.