If you are part of this Instagram world you probably knew I turned 40 a few months ago and I wasn’t to keen on it. I didn’t go into it excited but maybe more a little bummed about it. I didn’t want to pretend, put a big smile on my face and have a huge bash. I was fine spending it only with those that truly have supported and loved me for me. As the weeks went by after my birthday, I realized how nice it was to spend it with those that lift me up, that believe in me, that understand me.

A few months into my 40’s, I realized, okay, it’s just a number. I mean, I don’t feel 40, whatever that means. I have so many more dreams and goals to accomplish and I can’t wait to fulfill those. I realized that I have actually learned a lot and I wanted to share 40 Things I learned in 40 Years.
40 Things I Learned in 40 Years
1 – Politics: You NEVER talk politics with only ONE group of people; you know the ones, the people that post political excerpts on Facebook, EVERY SINGLE DAY
2 – Mean popular girls in junior high do become mean popular moms
3- Say what you mean AND mean what you say
4 – Only exception to #3, NOT when cocktailing, the delivery never comes out nice. Think RHONY
5 – Distance does not hurt a siblings relationship
6 – My mom taught me; “when your brother gets married and you want to still have a close relationship with him. Then you love and treat his new wife like your sister, not his wife.” Love you Carmen! Best Advice ever.
7 – My mom was right when she said, “if you don’t wear gloves in the cold, when you get older your joints will hurt and you will have arthiritis. Should have listened.
8 – My mom was right, with just about everything.
9 – I would rather be the tail of a lion, then the head of a mouse. I don’t want to be the BIG CAHUNA in a small company or business. I’d rather be the little fish ready to grow in a larger world / business BECAUSE I will have a lot more to climb to become and be.
10 – It is true; you raise your kids the same, but the day they arrived into this world, their little personalities were set. Looking back at how they were as babies truly makes you realize Nature Vs. Nurture.
11 – I have gone to church every sunday for months, I go to reflect, meditiate and listen to an amazing pastor, Father Wayne, who teaches us something new every week. Going to church doesn’t make you great, it doesn’t make you above others, it doesn’t make you special. It makes you realize you are FAR from perfect and those around you are too.
12 – Looking in the mirror and truly reflecting on your imperfections is Church.
13 – Having a red brick house that the big bad wolf can’t blow down is an okay child dream become reality.
14 – Big feet has nothing to do about other parts of your body, this is from the jokes in the back of my hockey carpool talk.
15 – Having your little girl as your best friend is the best women relationship I can ask for. We love, we laugh, we argue, and the moment after an arguement, we forgive eachother, hug, and hold ZERO grudges.
16 – Forgiving and forgetting is possible.
17 -Breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day.
18 – Make your bed everyday. You got another day to try again, to be your best, to conquer the world. If by the end of the day you failed at something, at least you have a nice perfect bed to crawl into, rest, meditate, and try again tomorrow.
20 – Being a Bravolic is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just saying
21. Start a collection. So when you travel you don’t buy a bunch of random shit. But something to truly add value to your collection.
22 – It’s okay to swear.
23 – Don’t wait till 40 to embrace your personal style.
24 – Junior high sucked. High school was okay. College better. But in my 20’s, living in the city, working, getting married, traveling, getting pregnant, starting a family, buying our home, being a young hard working family (all before I was 26) was the best time of my life.
25 – Having only one sexual partner your entire life does not make you a prude.
26 – Don’t wait till 40 to start investing in your facial cream regimen
27 – Have a tribe, girls who truly “get ya”
26 – “Elephants Don’t Belong in the room.” TALK about it
29 – I was so insecure of my body before kids. WHY??? I was 5’7″ and 130lbs. Love yourself when you are young!
30 – Don’t ever stop someone from crying, it’s okay to cry.
31 – How some treats you, might be about them, not you.
32 – I don’t have to like everyone. Not everyone likes me. What is that saying, “I like coffee, and maybe like 3 people.” lol
33 – If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to someone, in real life or on social media, step away. It is not healthy for either of you.
34 – You really do need 8 hours of sleep
35 – Discover your passion and then run with it
36 – Marry someone who supports and believes in your passion
37 – My husband was / is the best decision I made.
38 – Starting my own business and persuing my online media world saved me.
39 – You can have bangs at 40
40 – My kids have taught 80% of everything on this list. They are my reason, they are THE reason I have so much more to learn.
Tonia says
This is why I follow you! You authenticity is so resfreshing and inspiring.
Cecilia Cannon says
AWE TONIA!!! Thank you! that means so much to me, cause sometimes I wonder, if anyone even out there. xoxo
Cj says
Love ALL of these, especially #31. Keep doing YOU Amy fabulous friend!!
Cecilia Cannon says
muah!!! thanks you for always being there for me!!!