I have been Staging homes for over seven years, I have been blogging about it all and other stuff for three. All of it with the love and support of my husband, since, you know, I still had kids at home. I am “that” mom, the one that wants to work full time, but at the same time be a full-time mom. Not easy, but, do-able with a supportive husband. So I started a biz back in 2008, and a blog a few years later. For me 2017 was going to be THE year, THE year that decided if Home Staging will make the bank and the year that “blogging” (where I spend my “free time”, some get mani/pedi’s or play paddle, I blog) signified something.
So yea, 2017 was the make it or break it year. Well, it is funny when you set that realizations, what actually comes into fruition. Yup, read on.
One day into the New Year, like literally on 1/2/17 I got accepted to Reward Style. Now, I have applied a few times over the last year to get rejected. But, it was a New Year and on 1/1/17 I decided to apply one last time.Cause you know, it was the year of make it or break it.

If you don’t know what Reward Style is, it’s basically an affiliate program for digital influencers. Reward Style is not open to every blogger or instagrammer, cause then everyone would think, oh let me blog and join Reward Style to make some cash. Nope, not that easy. You need to kind of prove yourself. Well, I applied ONE FINAL time and BAM! It happened, I heard from them 24 hours later and became part of an amazing group of digital influencers.
The reason it might be a goal for some bloggers is because it’s a way to earn income on the visions you are sharing with your audience. So you might be like, well, I don’t want to pay extra for you to earn an extra buck. No no no, the cost for the buyer is not affected, it would cost the same if you bought it in the store, online, or clicked from my site or Instagram.
Oh man it’s nice if someone actually clicks over to make that purchase, cause then they are helping me continue to do what I love to do…share my home ideas with you all. How much would it mean if you clicked over from my site or Instagram, if you were already going to purchase the item? OH so much!!!
And then when you close the door you go online and order it from the Girl Scouts Website instead. Sad face one tear emoji. Awe, you could have helped her out. So that is like reward style/affiliate link. So, somehow in the vast world of the social media I worked my tail off and got the respect needed to be accepted into Reward Style.
Regardless, one of my 2017 goals was that, one last time, I am not joking, I was going to apply. Well, what do you know, it was the last time I applied.

Okay, so one goal happens what are the chances of more. Another goal I set out for myself was to be a regular contributor to another great, I mean like renowned blogger. We work crazy hours to provide content to our own site why would we work to create content for someone else?
Well, lets start at the beginning. I started as a Home Staging company. The first three years I actually spent money on advertising, marketing, and public outreach. Since I added blogging to the business I have spent ZERO on marketing. Literally a percentage of my current clients found my blog and then clicked over to my business page. Also, because of the blog I can have clients outside Chicago providing them with e-designs.
Okay, I regress, so when you meet a business who has a blog, just know that that is their marketing tool. It is part of their survival. Years ago I added a blog to the Home Staging Company, ignorantly thinking that having a blog tied to the business would be enough. Holy crap, adding a blog to your business does absolutely nothing….literally nothing. You have to actually create content and that takes a lot of work. The content has to be great and a reflection of your style and brand.
But, once again I did not give up. Year after year I powered through. But, in 2017 I knew I was ready to go the distance and had what I needed to be a contributor for someone else. I knew that if I could just get on someone’s blog, I might get a wider reach….AKA MARKETING.
So when I got accepted to be part of the Holiday Team Contributors for A Blissful Nest I gave it my all. Like 250% (which by the way is one of my resolutions, more on that below).
Well, I saw results. Rebekah, the amazing and talented blogger behind A Blissful Nest tweeted, facebooked, and instagrammed, my content on her blog. I literally tripled my pageviews and outreach in two months. And when you own your own biz that means triple business.
Okay, so the holiday team thing was over and I was sad cause it was an amazing experience, but, last week I heard from Rebekah and she asked me to join her contributor team “full time.”

Mandy Carter says
I love everyone of those affirmations! I truly believe that doubt and fear do kills so many dreams, far over the rate of failing.
Lucia says
Mother's of 7 offsprings
Not easy today in this fast competitive world 🎖
Lindsey Paris says
It's all about perseverance. You have to keep going! A fellow panelist of mine this year applied to the Moms Panel for ten years, and she never gave up. This year, she was chosen! I'm proud of you and your goal!
Cecilia C. Cannon says
exactly Mandy! we are too hard on ourselves sometimes thinking we don't have what it takes.
Cecilia C. Cannon says
Thank you Lindsey! And yes, you can't give up or, frankly, take "no" as an answer
CoCo - Our Humble ABoden says
Congrats on all your success! Sounds like 2017 is going to really be your year. Excited to follow along on your journey and learn from your experience! I have some similar goals as well!
Keren Charles says
Congrats! This is a sign that your hard work and determination paid off. Best wishes on your continued success.
Cheap Is The *New* Classy says
I currently have a program that I have applied for for the past three years and I have not yet been accepted. I am not going to stop applying though. Your post has proven to be inspirational to me.
Unknown says
Hey hey! Congrats Cecilia! Who knew hard work could do such wonders? Not giving up is such a huge part of blogging, too!
Heather Wilson says
Congratulations on your Reward Style acceptance, that's great! I know I love my passive affiliate income. It sure helps!
Terri Steffes says
Congrats! Meeting a goal is always so cool. So my daughter just moved to Chicago and like you, is busy, busy, busy. You can find her on Instagram at @ashleyhasty I think you two would hit it off.
J says
Congrats to you on meeting your goal and the reward style acceptance! I felt I wasn't giving my all for a while so I went and bought all the camera equipment, lights etc to help make things better and nowhere I feel like I need to give my all and 250% and now I'm loving it! – Jeanine
Belle Bermudez-Tubel says
Congratulations on being accepted to Reward Style! I just got approved too; I got denied the first time I applied then I just decided I wanted to apply again. Within 24 hours, I got the approval email. I couldn't believe it!
Belle | http://www.OneAwesomeMomma.com
S Olsen says
Love the positive words. This post is a great motivator.
Jana Bailey says
That is great, congrats and meeting your goal! I am all about positive thinking it is what gets me though the day!
Cecilia C. Cannon says
YEAH!! Glad to connect.
Cecilia C. Cannon says
Thank you!
Cecilia C. Cannon says
yeah!! keep on going, don't take no.
Cecilia C. Cannon says
yes, it is nice. thanks for popping in
Jessi Joachim says
this is great! I have been a little down about not finding a job lately but I know it will come soon!
Jennifer Johnson says
I love this!!! So important to have goals to work towards and to give it your all!
Angela Tolsma says
I love your girl scout way of putting it. Congrats on being accepted! That is so exciting. It is so awesome seeing your hard work pay off!
Tereza Kohutova says
Love the boost of positivity and energy in you, so inspiring!
Btw – totally know what you mean when you say it's hard to get to Reward Style. They in fact invited me to join them but I wasn't interested at the time and when I was like – okay, can I join now please (just a few months later) – they were like NO, YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH. But? Like, really? Haha! So WELL DONE on making it, they are such a pain! xx
Rebekah {A Blissful Nest} says
Just ADORE you! I can not wait for you to be a permanent contributor with ABN. Great things sweet lady are happening!!
Brandi Puga says
Congrats on hitting so many of your goals spot on! This post gives me some great ideas for what i need to do with my own blog!
Unknown says
These are great goals! I've tried to sign up to Reward Style a few times over the past few months. Just going to keep trying 🙂
Heather Garcia says
Congrats on getting into Reward Style! That is awesome! I love that you are in the interior design field. That is my true love and what I graduated in, but I have never fully made the jump into doing it full time. I so want to though!
Becca Wilson says
I love all of the quotes that you have featured here. Whenever I have goals I also do whatever it takes to be able to succeed.
CourtneyLynne says
Omg congrats girly!!! Nothing better than reaching a goal!!! One of the most rewarding feelings that's for sure
Tough Cookie Mommy says
I often wondered who staged homes for real estate agents like the ones I see on television selling multi-million dollar homes. I'm so glad your goals are right on track. I bet you have a great eye for decorating.